The Onboarding checklist 101

Sometimes we don’t realize how important the first 30 days are for a new colleague that just joined our team. During this “honey moon” the first work relationships are established, and expectations are validated/ invalidated by both sides. In order to be fair and responsible with our new colleagues we recommend using The Onboarding checklist 101.

It’s a free form that once you download it you will get:

  • An instrument to find out how your colleagues have adapted after the first month in the company
  • First hand acces to a tool used by Adecco experts
  • A way to improve the onboading procees of your new colleagues
  • An excelent asset to inhancing your company’s retention strategy

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The Onboarding checklist 101

Sunt de acord ca Adecco Romania/Adecco Resurse Umane şi afiliații acestora să poată folosi detaliile mele pentru a-mi transmite informaţii despre serviciile acestora (inclusiv locuri de munca disponibile, invitatii la evenimente sau sondaje de opinie, buletine informative etc), prin poştă, poştă electronică, SMS, MMS, telefon, medii de socializare, notificări tip push în aplicaţii şi prin alte mijloace. Înţeleg că pot să renunţ la această opţiune în orice moment.